1. Prana Energization Exercises
A) SWAISO (25 *4 followed by 20 times swinging arms to the two nadis on the side of your hips)B) Nadi Awakening - Tap the different parts of your body
C) Yoni Mudra Solar Energization - Bring solar energy in by using the Yoni Mudra at the Sthulla (Body) by holding the Yoni mudra on top of your head. Then your stroke it down your face, your chest and all the way to your ankles, rub your ankles, come back up and rub your chest and feel the solar energy go to every cell in your body. Then you rub your arms and throw the bad karma on the other side....Fufff... Then open up your head, midriff, down your kidneys and down to the ankles, and rub your leg and rub yourself with this solar energy and release to the sun with a Haaa. Repeat the same for the Sukshma (Pranic Energy Body) by holding the yoni mudra 6 inches above your head and rubbing the pranic field. Dont touch anything in the process.
D) Energy Ball – Rub your hands together until you can feel the heat, lift your arms up and bring it down. Rub your belly. You can push the energy forward, rotate it and bring it into you again and rub your belly. Lift your arms up with a inbreath and bring it down and move the energy into a ball between your hands and bring it in from above, in front of you and all around you.Imagine this ball of energy is yours to send to any part of your body to heal, mostly to heal the stomach area of all bad karma you have accumulated down there.
E) Lion's Roar – We take energy from the sun with raised arms in gyan mudra, clap and bring out the namaste hold to shoulder level, tighten your shoulders, bend down with a strong outbreath, and Roar like a lion and gyrate your stomach in and out by breathing rapidy. Do 3 rounds of this. Three rounds rythmic breathing (18 breaths then 11 and 11) Then relax and feel the energy filling up your stomach.
F) 3-part Ashwini Mudra – Do the 3 part breathing and clenching 9 times and let go with two pout breaths. Then rub your hands rigourously and create a circuit between Muladhara at the tail bone and Visuddha at the back of the neck by placing your left hand on your bottom and right hand over the back of your neck and feel the surging. Now once you feel the surging, if you rub your hands together, you can feel the temperature has gone up dramatically and you can feel the prana flowing out of your palms.
G) Bhairav Mudra – Fill your belly with air, smile like an idiot, widen your eyes and stick
your tongue out with a loud AAAA (no softness to the AAA – loud and abrupt). Do this 3 times.
What we have done is we've brought prana in, distributed Prana all over our body, we have activated the cerebral spinal fluid up our spine and we have activated the parasympathetic nervous system by doing the Bhairav mudra of smiling, eyes wide, tongue sticking out and vagus nerve activation from teh Yoni to the throat in the parasympathetic nerve. So we are now fully ready for Prana and energy work.
2. Technique to relax ourselves completely and feel light as a feather - Tighten & Release each body part
Start with tightening your forehead while breathing in and releasing it with a sigh.
Whole face
Neck & Fists
Arms forearms, biceps
Upper back and shoulders
Middle back
Next Time tighten your buttocks, swing it forward and let go (3)
Normal buttocks tighten and let go
Toes...and relax
Now come up to your stomach take a deep breath and fill your stomach and tighten your bum at the same time and chant A from A-U-M and let go of everything. Completely relax. Let go of your stomach, stress , your worries.....everything.
Now breathe into your heart , and chant U from A-U-M and relax.
Now come up to your nostrils and your third eye and chant M from A-U-M like a bee sound.
Feel your head relaxing completely , filling up with light and just relax.
Now imagine a honey pot of bliss just above your head , pouring the nectar of immortality through your head into your heart. With each in breath HUM it comes in and with each out breath SA , it goes back up again. You can do it quietly in your mind. Do this a few times (3/6)
Now imagine the honey pot of bliss pouring into your muladhara, tighten your bum and breathe out with AHAM and imagine the nectar showering up through the spine, throat and third eye. (AHAM 3 times).
Now relax.
Come back to your heart centre and put your mind there. Imagine you are feeling a tingling at the back of your spine , feel a glow around you and completely relax.
Now chant SHREEM 3/6/9 times.
Gaze up into your third eye and feel light as a feather.
Breathe into your heart ... hold the breath for a few seconds. Then breath out and be with it at your heart for a few seconds.
Calm down now. The way to calm down is to take a deep breath , tighten your bum and let go with a sigh. 3 times.
Sit still.
Now Tighten and breathe and relax with a Haaa each body part. Finally tighten the bum with two breaths, bring it forward and release chanting AHAM (3 times).
Now just Relax.
Breathe in through your stomach and sound out A
Breathe in through your heart and sound out U
Breathe in through your third eye centre and sound out M (2 times, keep gazing upwards)
Breathe into your Anus (Mooladhara), tighten your bum with a double breath and sound out AUM. Keep gazing upwards. Be with the silence a couple of seconds. Repeat this process 3 times.
Chant AEEM HREEM SHREEM (3/9/108) (Beej mantra of everything coming into being). While chanting this, keep your focus on the third eye while gazing up.
Now bring the grace into your body. Keep gazing upwards with your eyes closed. Start with your tongue - heart - Yoni linga area
Bring your focus to your heart centre and meditate there for a second. Feel the bliss pouring into you and the kundalini rising to meet you at the heart. You can tighten your bum and feel it rising. Imagine a 12-petal white lotus in your heart with golden light all around you and you chant SHREEM 3 times. Feel the lightness. (You can look stright with eyes closed while chanting SHREEM)
And then just sit and surrender and let grace flow through you. Trust that in your heart centre is everything that you need to liberate you from karma and transend you to higher states of consciousness.
Tighten your bum and release with HAAAA...and just sit
Ancient Sri Vidya tantrik way of protecting oneself
First, One set with six motions while repeating Aeem Kleem Sauh, Sauh Kleem Aeem - one beej mantra per motion. That energizes your hands to do good karma in the world, to handle the world properly.
Now you are going to protect yourself so nobody can attack you, nothing can come to you while you are meditating. So we are doing to do six motions around the head, starting from the heart centre between the two nipples.
That 6 and 6..that protects you.
Then sudukkify with your fingers 4 times while chanting BHUR BHUVA SWAHA AUM
It basically tells all negative energies to piss off. You do that with people you dont like as well. If they are coming, you can protect yourself the same way.
Imagine you are within this golden egg of linga around you. Your hands are protected so you can do the good work. You are sitting in the middle and in your heart cenyre is the shreem sound and hreem is everything exploding around you.
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