You've already done the
energy work. You're sitting on a chair.
Kriyas and bandhs
The first stage is called the Prana Vidya is to control prana in the body, move breath in and out of my body carefully.
First Sun
Ashwini mudra - clench your bottom, your neck, and your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Then clench your bottom and chant LAM 4 times.
Nadi Shodhana - alternative nostril breathing for the Svadhisthana
Whistling - breathing through the spinal cord to open up the Sushumna
Now feel liquidity feelings down in your yoni area, your linga. You can put pressure on it with your hands like this or with the yoni mudra, you can push yourself against the yoni like that. Just push yourself in and just feel a kind of sexual energy growing in you and say the sound VAM 3 times.
Nadi Shodhana - alternative nostril breathing for the Svadhisthana
Whistling - breathing through the spinal cord to open up the Sushumna
Now feel liquidity feelings down in your yoni area, your linga. You can put pressure on it with your hands like this or with the yoni mudra, you can push yourself against the yoni like that. Just push yourself in and just feel a kind of sexual energy growing in you and say the sound VAM 3 times.
Nabhi bandh - breathing into the stomach to light the inner fire.
Then holding that, you feel
a fire burning in your stomach and you say RAM 3 times.
We cross our hands over our heart. We feel the lotus, we feel the pearl, and we create the golden egg all around us, around the heart center. This is becoming human. Keep your mind gazing down at the heart center.
The sound here is YAM 3 times.
Second Sun
Visualization of the pillar of light. We cross our hands over our heart. We feel the lotus, we feel the pearl, and we create the golden egg all around us, around the heart center. This is becoming human. Keep your mind gazing down at the heart center.
Third Sun
Tratak - a single-pointed concentration like on a candle or something.
Now if you close your eyes, you'll see a pattern inside you, almost like the same thing you're looking at, like a flame or my face will come inside your head. Try and steady it so it doesn't jump all over the place. Keep your eyes steady there inside your head. Open your eyes again and keep staring. This is called Tratak.
Hamsa - single-point observation into your third eye and allowing HAM to come in from above, into your heart, and SA, to go out of your heart above and creating a circuit between heaven and heart. Then you want to experience it even more. So you tilt your head slightly back and you close your eyes with your pinky. You close your ears and you look up into the third eye. What happens when you do this is that you start to hear an aum in your right side, and you start seeing a bluish color like a sea color will start to come. So the bluish color is very much about the first color we see when we hit the occipital lobe in the back of our heads. We're going up the back of our neck and closing our eyes and we see blue. We think it's like sky and maybe a star within. It's like an iris or a star will begin to emerge about here. We keep looking there and we see this beautiful blueness. It's really wonderful. Now come back.Sit in the blueness. You are becomming a skywalker now.
Talabhya - the clicking of the tongue. Do this 3-4 times.
Khechari - the rolling back of the tongue and breathing long breaths of 20 seconds in and 20 seconds out or whatever. It's to breathe in that way that connects heaven and earth. You do it about 12 times.
Then you gaze up into your third eye. Put the tongue to the back of the mouth and you can say AUM 3 times. Then meditate on the right eye chanting KSHAM 3 times. Then go to the left side, the other petal and chant HUM 3 times. Then through the middle
saying AUM 3 times.
Jyoti mudra (Final stage) - You close your eyes, close your nose, close your lips, and You take your elbows up. You take a short breath in. Hold the tongue back in Khechari and look up there. Listen and look. You can tighten everything and then hold it and look. Hold it for as long as you can, and then breathe out a little bit. Then breathe in again. Put the tongue back. Two things: You're going to listen for the sound of aum vibrating in your head, and you're going to look into the third eye and see the star. A star will begin to form.
Mantras - Shat Chakra Mantra Japa
The Guru Mantra - Do this 3 times with the Mrigi Mudra on top of your head (Vijaya Mudra) imagining the feet of Shiva & Shakti at the Sahasrara. Invoke and thank the Gurus and Teachers who have come before us and shown us the path to this knowledge or Vidya and ask them to awaken our Shiva Shakti consciousness in our minds, bodies and souls.
Aeem Hreem Shreem
Aeem Kleem Sauh
Hamsah Sivah Soham Hasakhaphrem
Hasakshamalavarayum Hasoum
Sahakshamalavarayim Sahouh
Svaroopa Niroopana Hetave Sva Gurave
Sri Anna Poornamba Sahita
Sri Amritananda Natha
Sri Guru Sri Padukam Poojayami Tarpayami Namah
Muladhara: Ganesh - Sit with your weight on up turned palms.
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam
Ganapataye Vara Varada
Sarva Janam Me Vasham Aanaya Svaha
Svadhisthana: Kartik - Keep palms on genitals or in Yoni Mudra
Jyoti mudra (Final stage) - You close your eyes, close your nose, close your lips, and You take your elbows up. You take a short breath in. Hold the tongue back in Khechari and look up there. Listen and look. You can tighten everything and then hold it and look. Hold it for as long as you can, and then breathe out a little bit. Then breathe in again. Put the tongue back. Two things: You're going to listen for the sound of aum vibrating in your head, and you're going to look into the third eye and see the star. A star will begin to form.
Mantras - Shat Chakra Mantra Japa
The Guru Mantra - Do this 3 times with the Mrigi Mudra on top of your head (Vijaya Mudra) imagining the feet of Shiva & Shakti at the Sahasrara. Invoke and thank the Gurus and Teachers who have come before us and shown us the path to this knowledge or Vidya and ask them to awaken our Shiva Shakti consciousness in our minds, bodies and souls.
Aeem Hreem Shreem
Aeem Kleem Sauh
Hamsah Sivah Soham Hasakhaphrem
Hasakshamalavarayum Hasoum
Sahakshamalavarayim Sahouh
Svaroopa Niroopana Hetave Sva Gurave
Sri Anna Poornamba Sahita
Sri Amritananda Natha
Sri Guru Sri Padukam Poojayami Tarpayami Namah
Muladhara: Ganesh - Sit with your weight on up turned palms.
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam
Ganapataye Vara Varada
Sarva Janam Me Vasham Aanaya Svaha
Svadhisthana: Kartik - Keep palms on genitals or in Yoni Mudra
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aeem Soum
Saravana Bhavaaya Namaha
Manipura: Chamundaya - Keep palms on sides of navel not covering it – Chandi Mudra or Nabhi Mudra or Linga Mudra
Aeem Hreem Kleem Chamundaya Vichche
Anahata: Krishna + Lakshmi - Keep palms on two sides of breast or crossed at the heart center
Anahata: Krishna + Lakshmi - Keep palms on two sides of breast or crossed at the heart center
Kleem Krishnaaya Govindaaya Gopijana Vallabhaaya Svaha
Vishuddha: Dattatreya - Hold hands at neck pointing forward in all directions and think of stars
Om Hreem Dram Dattatreya Hare Krishna
Unmattaananda Dayaka Digambara Mune
Baala Pisacha Jnaana Saagara
Dram Hreem Om
Ajna/Agya: Shiva - Keep palms on front and back of forehead, Think of your Pineal Gland as the Siva Linga in Brahma's Cave with laser beams trying to come out the front and back
Om Hreem Houm Nama Shivaya
Sahasrara: Panchadasi Lalitha Tripura Sundari - Keep palms on genitals
Ka Ae Ee La Hreem – face of Devi
Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem – neck to navel
Sa Ka La Hreem - navel to feet
It is the mantra of union between Shiva, the universal male principle and Shakti, the universal female archetype.
This mantra given in Soundarya Lahari by Adi Shankara.
Lalitha Tripura Sundari Beej Mantra - - Keep palms on yoni or in Yoni Mudra
Aeem Kleem Sauh
Sauh Kleem Aeem
Maha Saraswati - Mrigi Mudra on Bindu and then downwards 8 centers – forehead, third eye, mouth/tongue, neck, heart, navel, yoni/linga, Muladhara
Aeem Vadvada Vac Vadini Swaha (9 times)
Maha Lakshmi - Hands over heart or facing forward at heart level and imagine white lotus in your heart with white pearl at center and golden halo around body. Visualize yourself sitting in the middle of your Hridaya (White Pearl) and sending out vibrations through 12 petals of your Heart Lotus and at each petal, 9,000 energy streams are connecting to your heart healing your body, all your bad karma and the World. With each chant of SHREEM follow the 12 petals around your body (clockwise) and see how each petal feels. Then chant the Mahalakshmi mantra and after that come back to the heart center and chant SHREEM. Do this 9 times or more and see how the vibration changes you and makes you feel.
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem
Kamle Kamlalaye Praseeda Praseeda
Shreem Hreem Shreem Om
Maha Lakshmiye Namaha
I worship the Goddess Maha Lakshmi, who dwells on a red lotus (Kamla), so that she is pleased with me and blesses me with grace, abundance and wellbeing. Praseeda Praseeda means the energy exchange of giving and receiving. She is the flow of this energy.
Then protection mudra.
Hum Astraya Phat.
Shanti |Mantra - all 4 directions
Iti Shevam.
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