Friday, 17 April 2020

Ho’oponopono tools

When a problem comes up ask “how do I clean?” You might hear or be guided to do something. Do it because you heard correctly. Trust your own Inspiration. You have the answers inside yourself.

The following phrases help erase memories related to a specific topic or area. So they are great to use  when you know what area of our life needs “cleaning”:
Ice blue – Is a cleaning tool that helps clear memories related to physical pain. So if you are in physical pain you can repeat this words over and over, while you try and picture the beautiful and cooling colour blue. As you delete the memories that generated the physical pain, the pain itself will also disappear.
Dew drops – Repeating this phrase you remove memories that are causing you emotional pain, or manifesting in your life experiences or people that are causing you emotional pain. No need to think about the events that are causing you the pain, those are not the real cause, you need to delete the memories that created this reality of pain for you. As I said before, you don’t need to know which memories are to be deleted, you just need to delete by repeating the phrase, the Universe knows which memories need to leave your mind, the Universe, the Divinity or Life Force, whichever name you want to give it, knows far more than we do, and will know what to erase.
Light Switch – By repeating this phrase you (metaphorically) switch off your negative thoughts. Repeating Light Switch, also “sheds light” over why you are acting a certain way. If you find yourself acting in a way that is not your usual way or you want to stop acting a certain way but can’t stop and don’t know why. Light Switch will bring light to your inner space and help you see clearly what’s going on.
Drizzle – Repeating this phrase and even closing your eyes and visualising drizzle is great to delete negative programming associated with money. It deletes memories related to scarcity (real or fabricated) and reconnects with the flow of Abundance.
Green maple leaf – This is a cleaning tool that works on deep depression, feelings of being unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, and feelings of wanting to give up on life. Repeat this phrase as often as you can and feel this toxic feelings shift and disappear.
And finally, another erasing tool:
Blue Solar Water: Making it is very easy: place tap water into a blue glass bottle and set it in sunlight, or under an incandescent light bulb, (not fluorescent) for a period of at least an hour. you can drink it, use it for cooking, watering your plants and even cleaning. Click on Blue Solar Water for a more detailed post on how to make it and the many ways in which it is great.

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