Friday 17 April 2020

Ho’oponopono tools

When a problem comes up ask “how do I clean?” You might hear or be guided to do something. Do it because you heard correctly. Trust your own Inspiration. You have the answers inside yourself.

The following phrases help erase memories related to a specific topic or area. So they are great to use  when you know what area of our life needs “cleaning”:
Ice blue – Is a cleaning tool that helps clear memories related to physical pain. So if you are in physical pain you can repeat this words over and over, while you try and picture the beautiful and cooling colour blue. As you delete the memories that generated the physical pain, the pain itself will also disappear.
Dew drops – Repeating this phrase you remove memories that are causing you emotional pain, or manifesting in your life experiences or people that are causing you emotional pain. No need to think about the events that are causing you the pain, those are not the real cause, you need to delete the memories that created this reality of pain for you. As I said before, you don’t need to know which memories are to be deleted, you just need to delete by repeating the phrase, the Universe knows which memories need to leave your mind, the Universe, the Divinity or Life Force, whichever name you want to give it, knows far more than we do, and will know what to erase.
Light Switch – By repeating this phrase you (metaphorically) switch off your negative thoughts. Repeating Light Switch, also “sheds light” over why you are acting a certain way. If you find yourself acting in a way that is not your usual way or you want to stop acting a certain way but can’t stop and don’t know why. Light Switch will bring light to your inner space and help you see clearly what’s going on.
Drizzle – Repeating this phrase and even closing your eyes and visualising drizzle is great to delete negative programming associated with money. It deletes memories related to scarcity (real or fabricated) and reconnects with the flow of Abundance.
Green maple leaf – This is a cleaning tool that works on deep depression, feelings of being unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, and feelings of wanting to give up on life. Repeat this phrase as often as you can and feel this toxic feelings shift and disappear.
And finally, another erasing tool:
Blue Solar Water: Making it is very easy: place tap water into a blue glass bottle and set it in sunlight, or under an incandescent light bulb, (not fluorescent) for a period of at least an hour. you can drink it, use it for cooking, watering your plants and even cleaning. Click on Blue Solar Water for a more detailed post on how to make it and the many ways in which it is great.

Friday 3 April 2020

Daily Practice summed up

You've already done the energy work. You're sitting on a chair. 
Kriyas and bandhs
The first stage is called the Prana Vidya is to control prana in the body, move breath in and out of my body carefully.

First Sun
Ashwini mudra - clench your bottom, your neck, and your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Then clench your bottom and chant LAM 4 times.

Nadi Shodhana - alternative nostril breathing for the Svadhisthana

Whistling - breathing through the spinal cord to open up the Sushumna
Now feel liquidity feelings down in your yoni area, your linga. You can put pressure on it with your hands like this or with the yoni mudra, you can push yourself against the yoni like that. Just push yourself in and just feel a kind of sexual energy growing in you and say the sound VAM 3 times. 

Nabhi bandh - breathing into the stomach to light the inner fire.
Then holding that, you feel a fire burning in your stomach and you say RAM 3 times.

Second Sun
Visualization of the pillar of light. 
We cross our hands over our heart. We feel the lotus, we feel the pearl, and we create the golden egg all around us, around the heart center. This is becoming human. Keep your mind gazing down at the heart center.
The sound here is YAM 3 times.

Third Sun
Thokar - tightening your neck back and forth.

Tratak - a single-pointed concentration like on a candle or something.
Now if you close your eyes, you'll see a pattern inside you, almost like the same thing you're looking at, like a flame or my face will come inside your head. Try and steady it so it doesn't jump all over the place. Keep your eyes steady there inside your head. Open your eyes again and keep staring. This is called Tratak. 

Hamsa - single-point observation into your third eye and allowing HAM to come in from above, into your heart, and SA, to go out of your heart above and creating a circuit between heaven and heart. Then you want to experience it even more. So you tilt your head slightly back and you close your eyes with your pinky. You close your ears and you look up into the third eye. What happens when you do this is that you start to hear an aum in your right side, and you start seeing a bluish color like a sea color will start to come. So the bluish color is very much about the first color we see when we hit the occipital lobe in the back of our heads. We're going up the back of our neck and closing our eyes and we see blue. We think it's like sky and maybe a star within. It's like an iris or a star will begin to emerge about here. We keep looking there and we see this beautiful blueness. It's really wonderful. Now come back.Sit in the blueness. You are becomming a skywalker now. 

Talabhya - the clicking of the tongue. Do this 3-4 times. 
This stretches the tongue and opens the liquid in your mouth so that you're kind of creating. If you look up into the third eye, you'll start seeing a round shape suddenly. It's quite something. You can slightly bite your tongue also. This activates various nerve endings in the lip, in the tongue to open up the third eye.

Khechari - the rolling back of the tongue and breathing long breaths of 20 seconds in and 20 seconds out or whatever. It's to breathe in that way that connects heaven and earth.  You do it about 12 times. 
Then you gaze up into your third eye. Put the tongue to the back of the mouth and you can say AUM 3 times. Then meditate on the right eye chanting KSHAM 3 times. Then go to the left side, the other petal and chant HUM 3 times. Then through the middle saying AUM 3 times. 

Jyoti mudra (Final stage) - You close your eyes, close your nose, close your lips, and You take your elbows up. You take a short breath in. Hold the tongue back in Khechari and look up there. Listen and look. You can tighten everything and then hold it and look. Hold it for as long as you can, and then breathe out a little bit. Then breathe in again. Put the tongue back. Two things: You're going to listen for the sound of aum vibrating in your head, and you're going to look into the third eye and see the star. A star will begin to form.

Mantras - Shat Chakra Mantra Japa 

The Guru Mantra  - Do this 3 times with the Mrigi Mudra on top of your head (Vijaya Mudra) imagining the feet of Shiva & Shakti at the Sahasrara. Invoke and thank the Gurus and Teachers who have come before us and shown us the path to this knowledge or Vidya and ask them to awaken our Shiva Shakti consciousness in our minds, bodies and souls. 

Aeem Hreem Shreem 
Aeem Kleem Sauh 
Hamsah Sivah Soham Hasakhaphrem 
Hasakshamalavarayum Hasoum 
Sahakshamalavarayim Sahouh 
Svaroopa Niroopana Hetave Sva Gurave 
Sri Anna Poornamba Sahita  
Sri Amritananda Natha 
Sri Guru Sri Padukam Poojayami Tarpayami Namah 

Muladhara: Ganesh  - Sit with your weight on up turned palms. 

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam 
Ganapataye Vara Varada 
Sarva Janam Me Vasham Aanaya  Svaha 

Svadhisthana: Kartik  - Keep palms on genitals or in Yoni Mudra

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aeem Soum 
Saravana Bhavaaya Namaha 

Manipura: Chamundaya  - Keep palms on sides of navel not covering it – Chandi Mudra or Nabhi Mudra or Linga Mudra 
Aeem Hreem Kleem Chamundaya Vichche 

Anahata: Krishna + Lakshmi - Keep palms on two sides of breast or crossed at the heart center 

Kleem Krishnaaya Govindaaya Gopijana Vallabhaaya Svaha 

Vishuddha: Dattatreya - Hold hands at neck pointing forward in all directions and think of stars 

Om Hreem Dram Dattatreya Hare Krishna 
Unmattaananda Dayaka Digambara Mune 
Baala Pisacha Jnaana Saagara 
Dram Hreem Om 

Ajna/Agya: Shiva - Keep palms on front and back of forehead, Think of your Pineal Gland as the Siva Linga in Brahma's Cave with laser beams trying to come out the front and back 

Om Hreem Houm Nama Shivaya  

Sahasrara: Panchadasi Lalitha Tripura Sundari - Keep palms on genitals 
Ka Ae Ee La Hreem – face of Devi 
Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem – neck to navel 
Sa Ka La Hreem  - navel to feet 
It is the mantra of union between Shiva, the universal male principle and Shakti, the universal female archetype. 
This mantra given in Soundarya Lahari by Adi Shankara. 

Lalitha Tripura Sundari Beej Mantra - - Keep palms on yoni or in Yoni Mudra
Aeem Kleem Sauh 
Sauh Kleem Aeem  

Maha Saraswati - Mrigi Mudra on Bindu and then downwards 8 centers – forehead, third eye, mouth/tongue, neck, heart, navel, yoni/linga, Muladhara 

Aeem Vadvada Vac Vadini Swaha (9 times) 

Maha Lakshmi - Hands over heart or facing forward at heart level and imagine white lotus in your heart with white pearl at center and golden halo around body. Visualize yourself sitting in the middle of your Hridaya (White Pearl) and sending out vibrations through 12 petals of your Heart Lotus and at each petal, 9,000 energy streams are connecting to your heart healing your body, all your bad karma and the World. With each chant of  SHREEM  follow the 12 petals around your body (clockwise) and see how each petal feels. Then chant the Mahalakshmi mantra and after that come back to the heart center and chant SHREEM. Do this 9 times or more and see how the vibration changes you and makes you feel. 

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem 
Kamle Kamlalaye Praseeda Praseeda 
Shreem Hreem Shreem Om 
Maha Lakshmiye Namaha 

I worship the Goddess Maha Lakshmi, who dwells on a red lotus (Kamla), so that she is pleased with me and blesses me with grace, abundance and wellbeing. Praseeda Praseeda means the energy exchange of giving and receiving. She is the flow of this energy. 

Then protection mudra.

Hum Astraya Phat.

Shanti |Mantra - all 4 directions

Iti Shevam.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Notes from Module 3

HREEM - the matra for Bhuvaneshwari - The Mother Nature Mantra

To be strong and to be kind - that's what it means to be a Shakti.

Kundalini is a sacred feminine energy that if awakened, changes your life. Kundalini in esoteric shakti terms is also known as Tripura Bhairavi. Anything Ka is Kundalini waking up.

Jaago Bhairavi aaj antakaraN mein

Rules/Laws/Principles of Karma
The #1 Rule of KARMA is do nothing or try and do as little as possible. Just be - watching your breathing, thinking about nothing, sitting there enjoying a sunset, enjoying the beautiful things of life. Be light as a feather.

The #2 rule of Karma is to be kind and be grateful. Practice persistant, consistant, enduring gratitude and kindness and compassion. Seeing others as yourself (Namaha). In every thought, in every word, in every deed, be kind. And if you can't be kind, be quite. Even in your mind, before you think or say something venomous, go quite, be still.

The #3 rule of Karma is to use prana to shed bad karma. Do Prana Exercises. Get rid of your apana, increase your Samana, lift your prana up.

The #4 rule of Karma is to connect the three honey pots of bliss in our bodies. Each of these centres in 12 fingers of distance from each other.
The goddess for the three states of consciousness in the body is called Lalitha Tripura Sundari.Her mantra is Aeem Kleem Sauh, Sauh Kleem Aeem. She is the Sri Vidhya. Her symbol is the Sri Chakra. She takes you to the other side - to Turya and Samadhi.

HsrAeem HsrKleem HsrSauh is the sound of Bhairavi (Kundalini) and Shreem is the sound of grade exploding in my heart.

The #5 rule of Karma

Friday 20 December 2019

Q&A from Facebook

Q: I have a question about the jalandhara bandha and/or vissuhudha centre - when we activate all four centres (mulabandh, anahata, vissuhuda, and agna) you clenched the neck and tilted your head back a bit to activate that visshuda part/centre. I am used to tilting the chin down and in a bit and lengthening the back of the neck - so I'm wondering about the different effects or reasoning for these two seemingly opposing movements around the visshudha centre (clenching the neck and tilting the head backwards a bit, vs. tucking the chin down and in and lengthening the back of the neck). Could you explain why the different movements? Thank you so much! ~Dawn Marie Rabey

A: Yes, every aspect of Tantric Kriya Yoga breathing reverses the flow of Ida and Pingala and the Prana. You move your neck back to awaken the Medula Oblongata which we know as the Humsa or the Swan of Awakening. We do move forward as well later in Thokar Bandh. This sends the energy surging over the back of the head into the nasal and third eye cavity. The Muladhara bandh here is called the Ashwini Mudra which creates a circuit between your sexuality at the Yoni and the Muladhara - so the two connect to move up the Sushumna. Gold flows in that way...
Q: My question pertains to lifelong karma impacting early in life progress. I was seeing the third eye (gold halo surrounding the blue with a star in the center) constantly, 30 years ago when I first was doing Kriya with SRF. Then an abusive relationship ended in divorce, and a material life & career took my focus. Now I nolonger see the eye. Now that I’m retired, I’ve been doing my Kryas and daily meditations for 3 years. I am seeing light again after your Kundalini course! Would the reason for no longer seeing the third eye be because of bad karma that I’ve created over the years? Thank you!

A: The SRF Star is seen by clearing or decalcifying the Pineal Gland or Agya Chakra through Khechari breathing and Jyoti Mudra - which I teach as well. You can reactivate that by focussing on your third eye or through gentle Sun Gazing. That is an in-between stage to the bliss and Ananda of heart awakening which comes as the star opens up a portal for you to the void of Shunya. But in this work and doing the mantras of Lalitha, Chamnundaya, and Tara you will get there once again but with even more bliss this time and real-life transformation. Love and blessings....
Q: My question is, my right nostril is congested. Are there exercises I can do for that? It's okay on dry days. If I lived in LA I would be fine. But here in geoengineered chemtrail wet Virginia, it's an issue.

A: Put your right hand under your left armpit and squeeze the arm on to it. This will open your right nostril.
Q: Do I need to use double breath every time I clench my bottom and let go?
A: 1. Yes on the Ashwini Mudra only

Q: Do I need to chant A-U-M seperately during the meditation or can I do it all at once, three times?
A: Doing A U M separate once relaxes all 3 brains and worlds and chant - avoid short cuts at this stage

Q: Do I need to clench my bottom and let go while chanting each of the beej mantras. Is it ok to do so?  So while chanting SHREEM thrice, should I clench my bottom and let go each time?
A: No but it does help to keep the clench at LAM

Q: For the mantra AEEM KLEEM SAUH - SAUH KLEEM AEEM, is it all done in a span of one breath?
A: Not necessarily - feeling it is more important as in the video

Q: You mentioned three ways to do the Japa - as a beginner initiated into this practice, would you recommend a particular way or can I choose to do it quietly in my mind each time?
A: At this stage loud or mutter

Q: If I wish to use the protection mudra (say before an official meeting), can I just do the 6+6 +4 motions..and end with Digbandh without chanting any mantra before or after the procedure?
A: Yes

Q: Being raised in a brahmin household, since a very early age I have memorised and regularly recite Lalitha Sahasranamam, Kanakadhara Stotram, Mahalakshmi ashtakam, tripurasundari ashtakam a.o. Can I use any specific mudras while reciting these shlokas?
A:  I will teach you the Dash Mudras to Lalitha and the Sri Yantra later so please wait but if you know how to do them then go ahead for the Aeem Kleem Sauh mantra to Bala
Raja addressing a FB group member: My first suggestion to you is to let go of all previous knowledge for a few days and empty your vessel to see how the energy comes in and changes in you. AUM is done Ah in releasing Brahma Granthi in the Yoni and stomach area as Akara, U (oo Ukara) in the heart center) and Um (Makara) in the nasal cavity and third eye. The Mrgi Mudra will be done with the Guru Padukone Mantra to ShivaShakti which I will teach you soon and I will explain the meaning then. We will explore Shakti and the Sacred Feminine energies more deeply in a few classes from now. Shree Matre Namaha श्री मत्रे नमः No difference on Ida Pingala in gender. You can share the mantras with others as it is open source - only in the transmission from me to you is there a more personal power. Because after meditation you are vulnerable to negative forces.
Q) Do I need to take a shower before reciting these mantras early in the morning?
Q) Can I do the meditation and chant the Mantras during the monthly menstural cycle?
Q) Can I have something to drink, besides water, before I sit down for meditation?
A: There is a lovely verse in the Vigyan (Vijnana) Bhairav Tantra that says nothing is pure or impure, we are all from the same sacred divine consciousness. With that in mind treat yourself as pure no matter what state your body is in. There is no right or wrong in this work. In terms of best practices as you will learn with, the secret is to reduce your Apana (prana in the lower intestines) in the morning so that your Prana rises all day and then with an empty lower abdomen your practice becomes easier and lighter. As far as cleanliness goes, the purpose of running water over your body is that it increases Prana - so that helps too. And yes you can practice during your cycles as this is pure Sacred Feminine Energy. Love and blessings, Raja
Q: Raja , may I ask about spontaneous body movements and mudras during mantra & meditation?
I have heard this is just energy moving but is it more? Sometimes I feel I’m being put into very specific positions & I wonder why that is.
A: Spontaneous body movements and mudras are good signs of Prana Kundalini activating your Nadis and a good precursor to other awakenings. The secret is to clench your bottom and relax and they will come under your control after a while. Love and blessings, Raja
Q: Hi Raja Choudhury i have been doing the protection mantra from negative energies 2 days in the row now, but its not working. Does it then mean that it exists within my own energetic field? How can i get it out? I feel like im too aware or im tuning into The frequency unknowingly and uncontrollably cant figure out the cause of it...
A: No, it means you weren't aware of them and now your awareness getting expanded and slowly you are able to perceive subtle energies everywhere. In ordinary life we are unaware of the effect of energies around us and within us, this work increases awareness and also heals their impact and removes them....fear not, this will pass. Do the Mantras....
Q: Is there a good mantra to do when working with bullies?
A: Raja Choudhury says - HUM ASTRAYA PHAT. It sounds like hum us trah ya futt. Say it loud and then bang your left foot three times on the ground. The whole idea is to break the bonds of your Karma and this is what tantra means.
Q: Sometimes it can just be a big relief though when I say "stuff happens" I always need to dig for a deeper reason or karmic reason? My mind always wants reasons for everything that happens because the mind is addicted to have a meaning for everything. But when I say "Ok, stuff happens" it helps me to accept and embrace what happened for what it is, even if it doesn't "make any sense".
A: When you say "stuff happens"another part of your subconscious sublimates the trauma and stores it in your stomach. It seems you have forgiven until later it emerges as passive-aggressive behavior, anger, depression or worse as diseases and suffering. Facing trauma with the added benefit of Shakti and Light not only heals but also burns away the effect on your Apana. It is important to be a grace-filled Shakti and a fierce Goddess too. Always face that which you fear most or it will reappear in unusual ways.
Q: Can you please answer: if there is any difference comparing chanting mantras vs. chanting in mind vs. just listening? In some books, like "Swami Sivananda 14 lessons of raja jogi" it is mentioned that chanting AUM in mind is more powerful compared to oral chanting. Can you comment if there are complimenting asanas which may help our progress, like Sirsasana, as an example, apparently designed to bring inner energy to upper chakras?
A: Japa means to mutter or chant the mantras slightly louder than a whisper. There are 3 stages to Mantra Chanting. Clear and audible Japa, silent with mouth movement so the air moves in and out, Inner silent while focussing on one honey pot center of bliss (above the head by staring up at about 30 degrees, heart or navel/Muladhara by staring down at the tip of the nose or about 30 degrees down in front of you). The 12 finger rule applies to the 3 centers of bliss, 12 fingers above your nose (2 hands and 2 fingers) is the crown Bindu center, 12 fingers below the nose is the Hridaya and 12 fingers below that is the Manipura and 12 fingers below that is the Muladhara. These are called the Dvadashantas or 12 fingered centers of bliss. The power of Mantras is experienced in the pauses before and after each utterance. Enjoy....

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Daily practice

1. Prana Energization Exercises
A) SWAISO (25 *4 followed by 20 times swinging arms to the two nadis on the side of your hips)
B) Nadi Awakening - Tap the different parts of your body
C) Yoni Mudra Solar Energization - Bring solar energy in by using the Yoni Mudra at the Sthulla (Body) by holding the Yoni mudra on top of your head. Then your stroke it down your face, your chest and all the way to your ankles, rub your ankles, come back up and rub your chest and feel the solar energy go to every cell in your body. Then you rub your arms and throw the bad karma on the other side....Fufff... Then open up your head, midriff, down your kidneys and down to the ankles, and rub your leg and rub yourself with this solar energy and release to the sun with a Haaa. Repeat the same for the Sukshma (Pranic Energy Body) by holding the yoni mudra 6 inches above your head and rubbing the pranic field. Dont touch anything in the process.
D) Energy Ball – Rub your hands together until you can feel the heat, lift your arms up and bring it down. Rub your belly. You can push the energy forward, rotate it and bring it into you again and rub your belly. Lift your arms up with a inbreath and bring it down and move the energy into a ball between your hands and bring it in from above, in front of you and all around you.Imagine this ball of energy is yours to send to any part of your body to heal, mostly to heal the stomach area of all bad karma you have accumulated down there.
E) Lion's Roar – We take energy from the sun with raised arms in gyan mudra, clap and bring out the namaste hold to shoulder level, tighten your shoulders, bend down with a strong outbreath, and Roar like a lion and gyrate your stomach in and out by breathing rapidy. Do 3 rounds of this. Three rounds rythmic breathing (18 breaths then 11 and 11) Then relax and feel the energy filling up your stomach.
F) 3-part Ashwini Mudra  – Do the 3 part breathing and clenching 9 times and let go with two pout breaths. Then rub your hands rigourously and create a circuit between Muladhara at the tail bone and Visuddha at the back of the neck by placing your left hand on your bottom and right hand over the back of your neck and feel the surging. Now once you feel the surging, if you rub your hands together, you can feel the temperature has gone up dramatically and you can feel the prana flowing out of your palms.
G) Bhairav Mudra – Fill your belly with air, smile like an idiot, widen your eyes and stick
your tongue out with a loud AAAA (no softness to the AAA – loud and abrupt). Do this 3 times.

What we have done is we've brought prana in, distributed Prana all over our body, we have activated the cerebral spinal fluid up our spine and we have activated the parasympathetic nervous system by doing the Bhairav mudra of smiling, eyes wide, tongue sticking out and vagus nerve activation from teh Yoni to the throat in the parasympathetic nerve. So we are now fully ready for Prana and energy work.

2. Technique to relax ourselves completely and feel light as a feather - Tighten & Release each body part
Start with tightening your forehead while breathing in and releasing it with a sigh.
Whole face
Neck & Fists
Arms forearms, biceps
Upper back and shoulders
Middle back
Next Time tighten your buttocks, swing it forward and let go (3)
Normal buttocks tighten and let go
Toes...and relax
Now come up to your stomach take a deep breath and fill your stomach and tighten your bum at the same time and chant A from A-U-M and let go of everything. Completely relax. Let go of your stomach, stress , your worries.....everything.
Now breathe into your heart , and chant U from A-U-M and relax.
Now come up to your nostrils and your third eye and chant M from A-U-M like a bee sound.
Feel your head relaxing completely , filling up with light and just relax.
Now imagine a honey pot of bliss just above your head , pouring the nectar of immortality through your head into your heart. With each in breath HUM it comes in and with each out breath SA , it goes back up again. You can do it quietly in your mind. Do this a few times (3/6)
Now imagine the honey pot of bliss pouring into your muladhara, tighten your bum and breathe out with AHAM and imagine the nectar showering up through the spine, throat and third eye. (AHAM 3 times).
Now relax.
Come back to your heart centre and put your mind there. Imagine you are feeling a tingling at the back of your spine , feel a glow around you and completely relax.
Now chant SHREEM 3/6/9 times.
Gaze up into your third eye and feel light as a feather.
Breathe into your heart ... hold the breath for a few seconds. Then breath out and be with it at your heart for a few seconds.
Calm down now. The way to calm down is to take a deep breath , tighten your bum and let go with a sigh. 3 times.

Sit still.
Now Tighten and breathe and relax with a Haaa each body part. Finally tighten the bum with two breaths, bring it forward and release chanting AHAM (3 times).
Now just Relax.
Breathe in through your stomach and sound out A
Breathe in through your heart and sound out U
Breathe in through your third eye centre and sound out M (2 times, keep gazing upwards)
Breathe into your Anus (Mooladhara), tighten your bum with a double breath and sound out AUM. Keep gazing upwards. Be with the silence a couple of seconds. Repeat this process 3 times. 

Chant AEEM HREEM SHREEM (3/9/108) (Beej mantra of everything coming into being). While chanting this, keep your focus on the third eye while gazing up. 

Now bring the grace into your body. Keep gazing upwards with your eyes closed. Start with your tongue - heart - Yoni linga area

Bring your focus to your heart centre and meditate there for a second. Feel the bliss pouring into you and the kundalini rising to meet you at the heart. You can tighten your bum and feel it rising.  Imagine a 12-petal white lotus in your heart with golden light all around you and you chant SHREEM 3 times. Feel the lightness. (You can look stright with eyes closed while chanting SHREEM)

And then just sit and surrender and let grace flow through you. Trust that in your heart centre is everything that you need to liberate you from karma and transend you to higher states of consciousness.

Tighten your bum and release with HAAAA...and just sit

Ancient Sri Vidya tantrik way of protecting oneself
First, One set with six motions while repeating Aeem Kleem Sauh, Sauh Kleem Aeem - one beej mantra per motion. That energizes your hands to do good karma in the world, to handle the world properly.
Now you are going to protect yourself so nobody can attack you, nothing can come to you while you are meditating. So we are doing to do six motions around the head, starting from the heart centre between the two nipples.
That 6 and 6..that protects you.
Then sudukkify with your fingers 4 times while chanting BHUR BHUVA SWAHA AUM
It basically tells all negative energies to piss off. You do that with people you dont like as well. If they are coming, you can protect yourself the same way.
Imagine you are within this golden egg of linga around you. Your hands are protected so you can do the good work. You are sitting in the middle and in your heart cenyre is the shreem sound and hreem is everything exploding around you.

Bowel movement - Laxative

Raja Choudhy says - The best natural way to get movement is to take Psyllium Husks which you can buy in powdered form anywhere online and through health food shops (in the US it is popular as Metamucil) - take one or two tablespoons mixed in water at around 8 or 9 after dinner and you will begin to go by 5 or 6 - may take a couple of days to get moving. Natural laxative foods are dates, prunes, papaya, etc.

Monday 16 December 2019

Module 1 - Clearing Karma with Raja Choudhury

Preparation & Setting the Mood 

➤Create a beautiful place for your practices, put your favorite image or objects there.
➤Put the music on that we used at the end of the class (Anandamayi by Jagjit Singh to help relax you.
➤A darkened room is better for inner relaxation or direct exposure to early morning sunrise.
➤Light a candle and some incense.
➤Arrange flowers if you like.
➤If you can sit on cotton or silk rather than synthetic materials – even better. If you can and it does
not hurt then sit crossed-leg or in the lotus pose otherwise a chair is fine. Keep your spine straight and off the back – head, spine and base in one line.
➤This place will be your meditation sanctuary for the next few weeks.

➤Filling your heart with gratitude and surrender is critical to accessing altered states of consciousness on your own.
➤Lift you hands parallel to your heart facing forwards and think of something you are really
grateful for – someone who helped you, unconditional love, your family, a success you recently had...feel that vibration and thank them and the universe for looking after you.

➤Part of ensuring success includes training yourself to be happy.
➤If necessary, fake it to make it  a permanent state eventually.
➤Remember a time or a place where you were at your happiest or something nice or funny that happened to you recently. Or someone you love being with. Bring a smile to your face and relax all facial and head muscles.

➤Close your eyes and feel everything.
➤Can you hear your heart beating?
➤Can you feel your breath going in and out of your nose and lungs?
➤Think of a beam of light going through you and a halo of yellow or orange surrounding you like an egg.
➤You are safe in that cocoon of your mind. Nothing can distract or displace you.

Just let go
➤Surrender to the possibility of this moment!
➤Just let go.
➤You are not in control of anything so let go and let the universe and your intuitive self guide you.
➤Let go of everything you are holding on to – things you have to get done, someone spiting you, a regret, envy, a loss – whatever – just let go.
➤Surrender to the universe and ask it to guide you and open you up for real wisdom.

Follow the breathing relaxation I showed you at the beginning of the class or at the end during meditation and allow yourself to deeply relax.

The Mantras
➤Practice the mantras in the early morning or just before going to sleep and allow your body to come into relaxed alignment with earth and cosmic energy and the feeling along your spine.
Ah Hum
➤Now clench your bottom gently and take a deep breath into your stomach.
     1. Chant Ah and imagine an energy or light going up your spine on the out breath.
     2. Then chant Hum at the throat upwards.
     3. Make it into an Ah Hum sound
     4. Sit in silence after each chant feeling a light form in the dome of your head.
     5. Do it 3 times at least or in multiples of 3.

Hum Sah
Now imagine a portal 12 fingers above your nose at the crown above your head. From here imagine the Jiva is entering bringing scared energy into you. And it is coming down to your heart center which sits 12 fingers below your nose.
1. First place your mind at the third eye Star Gate by placing your thumb in from of your nose (12 fingers) and lifting it up to your crown. That marks the spot.
2. Then rub the space between the eyebrows with two fingers until you begin to see a swirling galaxy type formation or circle of gentle light.
3. As it comes in downwards with your in-breath, imagine our breath the sound Hum
4. As it goes out upwards with your out-breath chant or imagine the sound Sah.
5. No pauses in between but slow down the breath as you continue
6. Do this many times until you fee an energy coming down into your heart and a
blissfulness begins to fill your heart.
7. Do 3 to start with or 6, 9 or even more. Slow it down. Observe the breath coming
in. Observe it going out.

Chant the Om Mantra as a 5-part Mantra and relax more with each stage.
1. A - Aah Akara from the stomach
2. U - Ooh Ukara from the heart
3. M - Um Makara from the throat and nostrils upwards
4. End M - The Makara goes to silence
5. Silence.
6. Then take a deep breath in to the stomach.
Do it 3 times at least or in multiples of 3.

Aeem Hreem Shreem
➤Focus you mind on the third eye center between your eyebrows and chant:
• Aeem – imagine divine consciousness flowing into your head from above
• Hreem – Imagine a light exploding in your third eye
• Shreem – imagine your heart center a white lotus and a golden energy all around you like an egg
➤Chant slowly 3 times

Aeem Kleem Sauh | Sauh Kleem Aeem
➤Now imagine the grace and energy flowing down you as a river and up you through the middle of your spinal cord and chant this Mantra:
• Aeem – flowing consciousness from above to your tongue and then
downwards along the spine. Touching your lips helps.
• Kleem – now experience the heart center between your two nipples and
feel a bliss sensation there. Touching that center helps.
• Sauh – now experience the energy at your Yoni/Linga – you can apply
slight pressure there
➤Now reverse the sequence and move upwards and Chant slowly 3 times

Now relax in the heart center and imagine that there is no body, no room, nothing at all. Just your heart Jiva center and there completely relax.
1. Chant SHREEM loudly and slowly vibrating out from the neck and heart as you do.
2. Feel a white light in your heart center and a golden egg all around you.
3. SHREEM is the sound of Shakti in your being and all around you.
4. Sha – the sound of the sacred Mother of Golden Light all around you
5. Ra – is the fire of desire burning in you at your navel upwards
6. Eem – the flow of your consciousness from the base of your spine at Muladhara up to your Third Eye at the Agya Chakra up your spinal cord.
7. Chant slowly 3 times to start with or 6, 9 or even more up to 108. Slow it down. Observe the breath coming in and filling the white heart pearl. Observe it going out and becoming the golden egg all around you.

➤Now meditate at your heart center and experience the bliss there and lightness to your being. You are becoming Karma-Free and you feel as light as a feather.
➤To conclude come down to your Muladhara at the tail bone, tighten it a bit and then sigh out a huge relaxing Aaahhh.

➤Now relax. Get up, rub your hands and turn your self to the 4 directions and send Peace to everyone and everything. Send your Love, Prana and Shakti to the whole world. Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi. Peace. Peace. Peace. Namaha